
franchise orchard presenting an opportunity to join the success of…
A fantastic Franchise Orchard opportunity awaits you.

A superb investment opportunity to join one of the UK’s most progressive Management Consultancies with a unique and powerful route to market and an excellent track record in serving the SME community. Tinderbox only looks for people who have their own real business experience at a senior level, a major differential to competition. We have a 100% track record with our clients and the business model, with Regional Specialists serving the Regional Directors as and when required, means there are no limits to the number of assignments that can be run nor the earnings which in our most successful Region to date neared half a million pounds in its best year. Our Directors build their own Regional Business with its own exit value (if, as and when they want to sell) with our ongoing help and they also participate in our Directors’ parent company equity scheme giving them a stake in the overall organisation. We have a few Regions still available from the 25 around the UK and are looking to fill these over the next few weeks.

Could this be your next franchise?
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