
franchise orchard presenting an opportunity to join the success of…
a fantastic Franchise Orchard opportunity awaits you.
Taperia – Contemporary Spanish Tapas Bar Franchise
Tapas bars are in vogue. The informal way of sharing small tapas, the wide variety of food, the quality of our wines and drinks, the affordability, the lively ambient and the liking of Spain makes demand for this type of eateries undeniable.
We have proven record success. In the last 3 years we managed to open 2 restaurants on the current economic climate.
Our understanding of UK customer satisfaction is one of our most valuable resources. After 12 years in this country, we acquired extensive knowledge of British customer service.
We have a strong team behind us providing the highest degree of professionalism and focusing on maximising profitability.
What you get as a franchisee
Track Record – As a franchisee buyer, you become part of a proven system of operation.
Faster Start Up – You have a short learning curve as a franchise owner, because you have support from a franchisor with lots of experience in starting new operations successfully.
Low Investment – Most franchises keep their front-end investment demands low, which favours new entrepreneurs. Moreover, a franchisor will often help new franchisees borrow by facilitating arrangements with lending institutions, which look positively on lending to franchisees because of their high success rates.
Less Risk – Your chances of failure are lower with a franchise operation, because of the experience, expertise and proven resources that support you in your business.
Name Recognition and Brand Awareness – With an established franchise, you get the benefits that occur from marketing an established brand of products and services. With a new franchise, you can grow and contribute to the creation of the brand.
Training and Support – We ensure that you are well equipped to start and grow your business. Training, on-going business support and a wide range of resources are available when you become a Taperia Franchisee in your area.
Could this be your next franchise?
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