Precious Glimpse

franchise orchard presenting an opportunity to join the success of…
Precious Glimpse
a fantastic Franchise Orchard opportunity awaits you.
Precious Glimpse started as a dream, an idea created through bad experience.
It is said that ‘the only source of knowledge is experience’ and this became
true in 2014 when both myself & Jessica were expecting our first child.
Being new, expectant parents is very daunting and with the NHS being
stretched as far as they can be, it has paved a way for the private baby scanning
industry. We were eager to see our baby and we booked in at a baby scanning
studio close by. That day finally came, and we were both filled with excitement
& joy, a sense of happiness that we would be able to see and hear our baby
for the first time.
We arrived at the studio with smiles from ear to ear only to have the worst
experience any parents could have. We left feeling deflated and tearful
with what promised to be a momentous occasion being ruined by terrible
customer service. It was right there and then we vowed to ourselves that we
would create something special, so that no mothers and fathers to be would
have to go through the same experience.
Our dream became a reality just 2 years later when we opened our first
studio in Burnley and to this day we are very proud that we have created a 5*
star company offering a magical experience for our customers. Coming from
a sales background myself and Jessica from the customer service industry, it’s
a fantastic combination of skills that has served the company well and will
continue to do so.
Precious Glimpse are now expanding and we have a variety of new franchise
opportunities right now in several locations. If you want to join with us as we
continue our expansion across the UK, we would like to hear from you.
Could this be your next franchise?
For further information and contact details about this Franchise Opportunity, please fill in the form below to download a free information pack. Fields marked * are required.