
franchise orchard presenting an opportunity to join the success of…
a fantastic Franchise Orchard opportunity awaits you.

Phoenix is an out of establishment academic facility to aid personal learning on an individual basis, at all levels and for all ages. I am an experienced tutor who specialises in dyslexia assessment and tuition, as well as Colour Analysis and the effective use of Coloured Overlays. I have a wealth of experience and expertise, as well as an MSc in Dyslexia to call upon, to assist with my teaching and tutoring.
Phoenix facilitates specialist learning for all students, especially those with dyslexia and/or similar learning difficulties, in a preferential and dynamic way and at a time and place conducive to meet individual needs.
I currently have a complement of 48 students aged from six years old to mature students. Not all of them are dyslexic – many have ADHD or Autism or are just seeking a bit of help and moral support whilst undertaking their studies at school or college. Some individuals are home schooled as they are unable to cope with the pressures of attendance at school, for whatever reason. Whatever their need, it is met and each session is enjoyed with eagerness and they remain focused, motivated and keen to learn.
Phoenix is now several years old and I feel that the time is right to offer other well qualified and dedicated people the opportunity to “feel the wind of success from underneath the wings of Phoenix” – to create a successful nation-wide network of specialist private tutors and one which I want to share with you.
Anna M K Treby (Mrs)
Could this be your next franchise?
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