MPH Enterprises

franchise orchard presenting an opportunity to join the success of…

MPH opened its doors in 2001, working from a small office as a one man band. With a solid work ethic and determination to succeed MPH went from strength to strength, growing with a number of great customers.
With the sole intention of creating a successful brand within the Promotional Merchandise industry MPH focused its attentions on offering clients a better service in this fast growing and competitive market. The next step for MPH was to offer storage and distribution for clients’ products, thus meeting their ever growing needs. In turn this allowed MPH to offer more clients a similar service which had the knock on effect of again growing MPH Enterprises’ client base.
After just its first year, MPH Enterprises was looking for larger premises and more staff. This positive trend continues today, taking MPH to better and larger premises, boasting an all in one office, warehouse, storage and distribution facility, and as ever the number of our team grows, with you as its latest valued member!
Could this be your next franchise?
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