
franchise orchard presenting an opportunity to join the success of…
a fantastic Franchise Orchard opportunity awaits you.

If a single image could sum up 2020 it is likely that it will be of people going about their daily life in this ‘new normal’ almost as they were but with one very big addition stuck on their face – the Face Mask.
Although the ‘norm’ in parts of Asia for many years, this has been something new and unique for those in many in other parts of the World. In the past few months in almost every country in the World, Face Masks have become mandatory but finding the right one and knowing where to get them has been a challenge that many of us have ‘Faced’. We were frustrated too and so we decided to get out there and make a solution.
We made Masks, we bought a vending machine, we stuck them in there and we sold them. Cool right? Well, there’s a fair bit more to it than that so let’s tell you our story.
Although we did everything at hyperspeed we made sure that we did it right, without cutting corners or taking short cuts. We scoped the market, sourced the product, find locations, set up the business and planned for the future. All of this in matter of weeks. And now we’re going to give it all away so you can grow your own Massk Business.
A Massk Franchise is an amazing opportunity. We want to make sure that we create something that has longevity for us and for you by making it available to people from all walks of life. You can have a business that you can be proud of and one that will give you a great income.
Could this be your next franchise?
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