
franchise orchard presenting an opportunity to join the success of…
a fantastic Franchise Orchard opportunity awaits you.

“Fun Fitness For a Healthier Future”
The children’s fitness sector is currently growing rapidly and FitKid are offering you the chance to join today.
Childhood Obesity is fast becoming a national problem, children are currently obsessed with High-calorie foods, such as fast food and confectioneries, which are abundant, relatively cheap and heavily promoted, specifically at children.
Exercise is no longer a regular part of everyone’s day – some children never walk or cycle to school, or play any kind of sport. According to the National Diet and Nutrition Survey (2000), 4 out of 10 boys and 6 out of 10 girls do not do the minimum one hour a day of physical activity recommended by the then health education authority.
The FitKid children’s fitness franchise is providing a viable solution to the problem faced by the nation.
FitKid have 17 years in the industry ranging from running classes, instructor training and consultation roles. The experience, knowledge and skills in the industry will help you build a successful franchise.
FitKid offer you, a proven business model that offers a good return on investment, the franchise has relatively low start-up costs and you can be up and running within a very short time!
The company launched a successful template franchise in Bournemouth and Poole with many successful classes running in schools, nurseries and community halls. The classes have helped children to make exercise part of their lives and they are all on the way to healthier lifestyle.
Could this be your next franchise?
For further information and contact details about this Franchise Opportunity, please fill in the form below to download a free information pack. Fields marked * are required.