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You have a shorter learning curve as a franchise owner, because you have assistance from a franchisor with lots of experience to draw upon in starting other new operations successfully. You and your personnel will benefit from on-the-job instruction.


franchise orchard presenting an opportunity to join the success of…


a fantastic Franchise Orchard opportunity awaits you.

Capital Tax Allowance Associates (CTA) was formed by the directors during 2012.  The purpose of the business is to provide a high quality Capital Allowance referral service to the “Small/Medium sized Enterprise” (SME), Owner Manager and commercial property owner market, focusing on commercial properties between £200,000 and £10,000,000. Our experience has shown that typically this sector of the market has had very little exposure to Capital Allowances, with only 10% of freeholders/leaseholders within this bracket having claimed this allowance.

As a Franchisee you will have:

  • Flexible working hours to suit your lifestyle and current role
  • Excellent earnings potential
  • Professional B2B working environment
  • A Comprehensive training package
  • Job satisfaction through delivery of client tax savings and rebates
  • The opportunity to build and manage a business and a team

We will provide valuable, ongoing business support, including training, marketing, new technology and more. We will assist you in developing a business plan, in learning the best ways to hire and manage personnel, and in how to profitably manage your franchise.

You have a shorter learning curve as a franchise owner, because you have assistance from a franchisor with lots of experience to draw upon in starting other new operations successfully. You and your personnel will benefit from on-the-job instruction.

Could this be your next franchise?

For further information and contact details about this Franchise Opportunity, please fill in the form below to download a free information pack. Fields marked * are required.

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A DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA NEWS PORTAL DEDICATED TO THE FRANCHISE INDUSTRY. Welcome to franchise orchard, an exciting new multimedia platform that’s dedicated to the franchise industry and designed to help you find the franchise opportunity that you are looking for.

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